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Prof. dr Biljana Djuricin, has graduated High School “Stojan Cerovic”, Niksic; obtained diploma “Luca”, bachelor of Laws, University of Montenegro, School of Law, Podgorica, (average mark 9,75), Master of Laws, University of Belgrade, School of Law Belgrade, Doctor of Laws, University of Novi Sad, School of Law, Novi Sad, Certificated mediator, District Court of Ljubljana, Slovenia, certificated trainer for mediation, Center for ADR, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

She has served at the following positions:Professor of Law, University of Montenegro, 2002-present, director of Center for Legal Clinics, 2003-present, director of postgraduate civil procedure program (2005/2012), first Mediator in the Republic of Montenegro, 2005-present, Roster Mediator and Trainer for Mediation in Montenegro, U.S. and Austria, Vice Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Montenegro, 2012-2015, Vice President of Scientific Committee of the University of Montenegro, (2012-2016), Arbitrator at International Arbitration Moot at Vienna and Hong Kong 2003-present.

She teaches several disciplines at home university: Civil Procedure Law; Law of Evidence; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Mediation; Arbitration; Civil Procedure Law Clinic; Legal Skills; EC Procedural Law. She has visited several host universities such as Central European University, Legal Department, Budapest, Hungary, (2012); College of Law, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, U.S. (2003); School of Law, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, (2004);School of Law, Jagelonian University, Krakow, Poland, (2003); Visiting Professor at the Magdalen College, University of Oxford, (2004); Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law, Washington, DC, (2004/05, 06); University of Alabama, (2005); Columbia University, NYC, (2005); Vienna Law School, (2010); Private Justice Summer School, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2007/08, 09, 012); Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Nederland, (2006); Democracy and Law Summer School, Dubrovnik, Croatia, (2011, 2012). She was visiting Fulbright professor at Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law, Washington, DC, (2004/05, 06).

She has explored the research work: at Westminster College, Oxford, England, summer 1981, study English language; Central European University (Summer University), Budapest, Hungary, 1998, course-Legal Theory and Judicial Review; George Washington University and Georgetown University, Washington DC, U.S., March 2-25, 2003, research of clinical legal education; University of Warsaw and Krakow, Poland, April 7-15, 2003, workshop-legal clinics; Internship program at the Multi-Door ADR Division of the Superior Court of District Columbia, Washington DC, (2006); University of Rotterdam, May, 2006- Mediation.

She has been involved into many projects. Some of them are: Life and work legal writer Valtazar Bogisic, School of Law, Podgorica, 1988-1992, Modernization of Law in Eastern Europe, Institute for European Law, Frankfurt/M, Germany, 2002; Clinical Legal Education, School of Law, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, ABA, Foundation of Open Society, 2000-2005; Human Rights Clinical Education UNHCR, Podgorica, 2007/08; Notary Law, GIZ, 2009; Civil Procedure Law, OEBS, 2013; Legal Reform, USAID, 2005/06; Mediation, Ministry of Justice 2005-2006; CABAFUL project, Erasmus+, University of Montenegro, 2016-2019.

Prof. Djuricin has been participant at many conferences, such as: Kopaonic School of Natural Law, International conference, Serbia, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2003, 2004 - speaker; King Nicholas-Life, Work and Time, International conference, Montenegrin Academy of Science and Art, 1998, speaker; International Commercial Arbitration, International conference, School of Law, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, 1998, speaker; Code General of Montenegro and Hill, National conference, Montenegrin Academy of Science and Art, 2000, speaker; Dynasty Petrovic-Njegos, International conference, Montenegrin Academy of Science and Art, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, 2002, speaker; Harmonization of Arbitration Law and Practice, International conference, Permanent Arbitration Court, Zagreb, Croatia, 2002, speaker; Third Balkan Law School Linkage Initiative Conference, ABA CEELI, Skopje, Macedonia, 2002, speaker; Externships: Learning from Practice, Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law, Washington DC, March 2003, speaker; Fourth Balkan Law School Linage Initiative Conference, ABA CEELI, Rijeka, Croatia, 2004, speaker; Regional Conference on ADR, Ljubljana, 2005; Regional Conference on Mediation, Sarajevo, 2004, speaker. European Mediation Conference, Belfast, April 2008, speaker, European Mediation Conference, Paris, May 2012, speaker, GAJE Conference, Bandung, December 2019, speaker.

Prof. Djuricin has served as: Member of the Council of the Law Faculty, (2003); Editor in chief of the Bulletin of Legal Clinics, School of Law, Member of Montenegrin Mediation Association; Member of ABA/ADR;Member of International Conference on Mediation on Justice; Member of Committee for Legal and Political Sciences of the Montenegrin Academy of Science and Art; Member of GAJE; Member of Management Board of SEELS.

She wrote 150 articles, commentaries, reviews in international and domestic law journals. The most important are: Gradjansko Procesno Pravo (Civil Procedural Law), Podgorica, (4th ed.); Manuel for the Basic Course in Mediation (coauthor), Ljubljana 2008; Handbook of ADR and Mediation Terms, Podgorica, 2013, Utvrdjivanje istine u parnicnom postupku (Establishment of the Truth in Civil Procedure), Podgorica, (1998); Uticaj krivicne presude na parnicu (The Impact of Criminal Verdict on the Litigation), Podgorica, (2002); A Spectrum of Views on Legal Clinics, (coauthor) Podgorica, (2003); Posredovanje (Mediation), Podgorica, (2006); Techniques for Teaching Law, (translation from English on local language), Podgorica, (2005); Practicum for Legal clinics, (coauthor), Podgorica, (2006); Modernisierung durch Transfer im 19. Und fruhen 20. Jahrhundert, coauthor, Frankfurt, (2006): Zbornik radova o Zakonu o parničnom i izvršnom postupku (Collecting Papers on Civil and Enforcement Law), (coauthor), Podgorica, 2004, Commentaries to the New Civil Procedure Code of Montenegro, Podgorica, (2004); Pekinska deklaracija i platforma za akciju ( Beijing Declaration and Platform for action, coauthor), Podgorica, (2004); Commentaries to the New Mediation Law of Montenegro, Podgorica, (2009).

She is fluent in English languages.

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